Discovering the Essence of Attar: A Journey into Types, Top Brands, and Historical Significance


India is a land of diverse cultures, traditions, and fragrances that have captivated the world for centuries. Among the treasures of this country lies a hidden gem known as “attar,” a fragrant essential oil derived from natural sources. Attar, also referred to as “ittar,” is not just a scent; it’s an embodiment of culture, history, and nature’s bounties. In this article, we embark on a fragrant journey, exploring the various types of attar, delving into the top attar brands in India, and uncovering the fascinating history that has shaped this aromatic art.

Types of Attar:

Attar is a unique and intricate form of perfumery that captures the essence of nature’s aromatic wonders. Here are some of the most popular types of attars found in India:

  1. Rose Attar (Gulab Attar): Derived from the petals of exquisite roses, this attar embodies the timeless beauty and elegance of the flower. Rose attar’s rich, floral aroma is a favorite in traditional Indian weddings and is also associated with love and devotion.
  2. Sandalwood Attar (Chandan Attar): Known for its calming and grounding properties, sandalwood attar is extracted from the heartwood of sandalwood trees. Its woody and creamy scent makes it a staple in religious rituals and meditation practices.
  3. Jasmine Attar (Mogra Attar): The captivating fragrance of jasmine blossoms is captured in this attar, offering a sweet and floral aroma. It’s often used in perfumes and cosmetics due to its alluring scent.
  4. Musk Attar: Musk attar exudes a warm and sensual fragrance that has been revered for its aphrodisiac qualities. Musk is obtained from the musk deer, making this attar both rare and precious.
  5. Kewra Attar: Extracted from the flowers of the kewra plant, this attar has a sweet and fruity aroma with a hint of floral freshness. Kewra attar is used in traditional Indian sweets and beverages.
  6. Agarwood Attar (Oudh Attar): One of the most sought-after attars, agarwood attar is derived from the resinous heartwood of agarwood trees. Its rich and complex scent is often associated with luxury and spirituality.
  7. Khus Attar (Vetiver Attar): With its earthy and woody aroma, khus attar is obtained from the roots of the vetiver grass. It’s known for its cooling properties and is used in perfumes and skincare products.

Top Attar Brands in India:

India is home to several renowned attar brands that have perfected the art of creating these aromatic masterpieces. These brands combine tradition, quality, and innovation to offer attars that cater to various preferences. Here are some top attar brands in India:

  1. Mitti Attar: Known for its earthy and grounding fragrances, Mitti Attar captures the scent of rain hitting the parched earth. It offers a unique olfactory experience that resonates with nature lovers.
  2. Hem Corporation: Hem Corporation specializes in a wide range of attars, from classic floral scents to exotic blends. With a commitment to quality, Hem attars have gained popularity both domestically and internationally.
  3. Mysore Sandalwood Oil: This brand is renowned for its sandalwood attars, derived from the world-famous sandalwood trees of Mysore. Their attars carry the rich heritage of Indian sandalwood and its therapeutic properties.
  4. Kannauj Attar: Hailing from the city of Kannauj, known as the “perfume city of India,” this brand offers a diverse selection of attars. Their attars are a reflection of Kannauj’s long-standing tradition of perfumery.
  5. Ruh: Ruh focuses on crafting attars using traditional techniques while also experimenting with modern twists. Their collection includes attars that range from classic to contemporary, catering to a wide audience.

Attar History:

The history of attar is intertwined with India’s rich cultural heritage and its prominence in the world of perfumery. The roots of attar can be traced back to ancient civilizations that valued fragrances for their therapeutic and spiritual significance. Here’s a brief historical overview:

  • Ancient Origins: The art of distilling aromatic oils dates back to ancient civilizations like India, Persia (modern-day Iran), and Egypt. These civilizations mastered the extraction of essential oils from flowers, woods, and other natural sources.
  • Islamic Influence: The term “attar” is derived from the Arabic word “itr,” which means perfume. During the Islamic Golden Age, the art of perfumery and attar-making flourished, spreading across the Indian subcontinent and beyond.
  • Kannauj: Perfume Capital: Kannauj, a city in northern India, became a significant center for attar production during the medieval period. Its geographical location and climate were ideal for cultivating aromatic plants.
  • Mughal Era: The Mughal emperors of India, known for their opulent lifestyles, were great patrons of perfumery. They played a pivotal role in promoting attars and encouraging the development of unique blends.
  • Traditional Techniques: Attar extraction traditionally involves the process of hydro-distillation, which uses water to capture the essential oils from botanical materials. This painstaking method ensures the preservation of the delicate fragrances.
  • Modern Revival: While traditional methods are still cherished, modern attar brands have embraced innovative techniques to meet contemporary demands. Attars are now available in various forms, including roll-ons and sprays.


Attar is more than just a fragrance; it’s a testament to India’s cultural richness, ancient traditions, and the harmony between nature and human ingenuity. With its diverse types, top brands, and historical significance, attar continues to captivate hearts and noses around the world. Whether you’re seeking a connection to history, a spiritual experience, or simply a delightful aroma, attar offers an olfactory journey like no other. As you explore the world of attar, remember that each drop carries with it centuries of tradition and the essence of a nation’s perfumed heritage.

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